


A modern vehicle contains thousands of individual components, each of which may need a specific part number.

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Barcode Printer

Printing a clear barcode is an important component for many packaging processes

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Wire and Cable

Accurate coding using small characters for reliable traceability and product identification, even onto fibre optic cables.

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Batch Coding

Print clear and durable batch numbers on manufactured goods and packaging

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Date Coding

Programmed formats, automatic date forward functions, and custom date and time editors for a full range of date coding capabilities

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Reliable marking of tobacco products; be it discreet, anti-counterfeiting marking measures or high-speed coding of complex messaging.

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Snack Foods

Ensure your product coding keeps up with requirements for messaging and branding on Retail Ready Packing (RRP)

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Packaging of perishable goods such as fish require fast, efficient solutions, and that includes your coding equipment.

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Ready Meals

Meet diverse customer and legislative requirements for printed codes.

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Plants and Horticulture

Our coding and marking solutions can meet the new EU legislation and regulations concerning the Plant Passport requirement.

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Coding and marking for extrusions need to be as flexible as possible to account for the variety of materials manufacturers might produce.

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Solutions suitable for the complex, and often delicate, manufacture of circuit boards, electronic components, and wires.

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Accurate and legible codes for high-speed production lines.

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Meeting the current and future food safety legislation and standards is crucial.

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Cosmetics and Toiletries

Our solutions can help meet legislation and reduce your overall production costs across many different pack formats and material types.

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Solutions for a variety of substrates used in both primary and secondary packaging coding and marking.

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Contract Packaging

We can support challenges such as handling a range of products and packs, and operating to tight timescales.

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Coding and marking solutions for the construction industry since 1987.

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Medical & Protective Equipment

Meet regulatory requirements with clear and consistent batch or date coding of medical products and equipment

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Meeting the demand for different types of plastic pack, in addition to the traditional paper or card outer wrappers.

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The UK meat sector is a hugely significant and important part of the food

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Award winning chemical coding solutions that are reliable and easy to use.

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Food Industry

Solutions for paper labels, cardboard and plastic packaging, bottles, and even directly onto food products themselves – such as eggs or cheese.

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Specialist beverage coding machines with IP55 and IP65 ratings.

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Baked Goods

A modern vehicle contains thousands of individual components, each of which may need a specific part number.

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Solutions specifically designed for printing on a wide variety of plastics such as PVC, nylon , OPP, PP and PE.

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Paper and Card

Exceptional quality graphics, text and barcodes onto porous secondary packaging such as bags, trays and boxes.

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The range of Linx metal marking inks covers most product identification applications.

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Expert adhesion, printing precise code for long lasting product identification on rubber.

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Removable and permanent solutions for coding and marking onto all types of glass.

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Printing onto Food

Linx food grade inks support coding onto ingestible food packages and products.

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Coated Metal

Coding onto metal bottle tops and curved coated metal can surfaces, with no compromise on reliability or quality of print.

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